Now What? Book Relaunch Team #teamparent

Walking the Talk relaunch teamThe Relaunch Team for Walking the Talk includes parents and other individuals that want to change the conversation around intimacy and healthy relationships. We are a group of people who want to see the future generations thrive spiritually, emotionally and physically! The Relaunch Team is a group of individuals that will help connect communities of parents and churches that want to turn the table on the conversation.

How can you help? There will be several ways! All our giftings are different and when you are operating in your gifting, you bring your talents and passions with you! Here are a few ways you can plug-in!

Social Media
You will be asked to share and tagged your followers on various social media accounts, using hashtags etc. to get the conversation going! There will also be a chance to put up a badge/image on your blog to help connect as well. (If you do not like social media, this may not be the best team to join. The “ideal” team member LOVES social media and is very connected.)

Book Reviewers
If you love to read and want to get a free e-copy of the book after relaunch, this is your chance. In requesting a book, you are acknowledging you will review the book and put the review on Amazon. Reviews are imperative to reaching the digital world. Please remember this is very important and should be taken as such!

Street Team
These are the individuals that will be the hands and feet in the churches/schools and community organizations. You will be the ones that help set up speaking events by sharing information with those in your sphere of influence. MOPS, ladies bible studies, book stores….you are the connectors! Media kits will be given to you to give any potential hosts! I will handle any marketing material. You help me get it out! 

Regardless of which position best suits you, please know you are very needed. The success fo one is often because of the greatness supporting them. That is YOU!

Ready to join? Click here!

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