Publisher and Book Announcement: Another Door Closes

Walking the Talk relaunch team


It is an announcement I had to make. I have prayed and meditated on the exact words I wanted to share with you to explain all of the changes  but everything I thought to say fell short. The writing was on the wall. I probably did not want to acknowledge that there were issues in-house. I went against my gut and tried to do it outside of God’s original plan for me. I am exactly where I was supposed to be in the first place. I have learned many lessons, one being to walk in God’s timing. I have also learned that HE makes everything new and even when we fall short, HE can still use us. I am thankful.

So here it is….

May 31st my Publishing House Booktrope/Vox Dei is closing its doors.

  • What does that mean for my book? June 1, 2016 I get my publishing rights back.
  • What do I plan to do? A set back is often times a set up for much greater things. I have learned a TON of lessons in this journey, some very hard, but ultimately, my prayers were answered by this closure and I plan to do exactly what I should have done the first time- I will self-publish under my own press name (Wiseman Publishing) mid-June 2016.
  • I am a store owner and purchase several copies of you book? What do I do with them? Keep them. If you purchased the book for resale purposes (organizations/bookstores) I was informed you can still sell them under “right of first sale.”
  • What happens now? I have a RELAUNCH TEAM for my book on Facebook. I am asking you all to CONSIDER joining the team. The one thing I ask is that you look and see where you would enjoy helping. One lesson learned the first time around was this: If someone does not like social media, they probably are not the best person to use for social media marketing!!!You can find the team descriptions under the description tab on our TEAM PAGE. If you are interested in joining the team, please click the link and request to join. I will be posting in the group (lightly) over the next few days with ideas etc. but I am trying to finish up the bigger things right now and need to focus on those.I am in the middle of formatting my book and finishing the new cover. I am excited, nervous and terrified all at once!PRAY on this first please. If you know of someone who would be great to join, tell them about it! I will have an image you can save to “recruit.”

Please be praying. A lot of people were displaced and disheartened by this. But this to shall pass….


Sarah West

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